If you’re looking to make a difference in the lives of people with epilepsy, a financial contribution to support the Epilepsy Foundation’s programs and services is a great way to make a lasting impact. We seek to make giving easy with flexible options like monthly recurring gifts, stock gifts, planned gifts, and one-time donations. Designate your gift to support a specific program, or honor a loved one by making a contribution in their name.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota is a registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization; our Tax ID is #41-0874541.
We’re here to help! Please contact us at giving@efmn.org or call 800.779.0777 if you have questions about the giving options listed below.
Use your credit card, debit card, or bank account to make an online gift today and designate it to the specific program you’d like to support. You can make a one-time contribution or set up a recurring monthly gift.
Please call 651-287-2357 if you would rather make your gift over the phone.
Checks can be made payable to the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota and mailed to:
Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota
7760 France Ave S, Suite 210
Bloomington, MN 55435
Make sure to include any address changes so we can be sure your gift gets recorded and acknowledged correctly.
Stock gifts allow you to take advantage of tax savings and are an easy and convenient way to support Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota. Stock gifts are tax deductible to the full extent provided by law. To make a gift, please follow the steps below.
Please send a copy of your request to Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota at giving@efmn.org or 651-287-2324.
Please notify Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota when you have completed your stock transfer request to your broker. When you inform us of your stock gift, with your name, we can then send you a tax receipt for our records. If you do not notify us, we do not know who donated stock.
Host a “Do It Yourself” (DIY) fundraiser in your community and donate the proceeds to a specific program or use it to help reach your Rise Above Seizures Walk fundraising goal. Let us know about your fundraiser and we can help provide epilepsy education materials.
Quick Information:
Planned Gifts
Legacy gifts, or planned gifts, are made in the future upon your passing. These gifts make a significant impact on our ability to provide programs and services to meet the needs of people with epilepsy today, and in the future. Legacy gifts are an effective way for you to reduce income and estate taxes passed on to heirs and make a larger gift. These gifts may be in the form of a bequest, naming us as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement account, or a Charitable Remainder Trust.
Consult your financial advisor or estate planning attorney when making the decision to give a planned gift.
Reach out to giving@efmn.org to learn more.
The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota invites you to join us as a corporate partner for our events. We put collaboration at the heart of this work and seek to create a mutually beneficial partnership. Sponsoring our events provides the opportunity to further your corporate philanthropy along with your marketing and business initiatives. We value working with you to create a partnership worthy of your investment.
Please contact Alaina Leisten, Development Programs Manager, at aleisten@efmn.org to learn more.
Our Donated Goods division turns used clothing and household items into over $1 million in annual revenue for programs and services that support people with epilepsy. We collect unwanted items throughout the greater Twin Cities, Rochester, and St. Cloud areas. You can donated your clothes by scheduling a curbside pick up or finding a donation bin near you.
Double or triple the impact of your gift!
Most workplace giving programs allow you to designate all or a portion of your payroll deduction to the nonprofit of your choosing, and many companies will match your charitable gifts. You can list the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota in the designation section of your pledge form as follows:
Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota
7760 France Ave S, Suite 210
Bloomington, MN 55435
The Atwell’s lost their daughter Stephanie to Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP), but are now helping others live a full life with epilepsy.
Paul considers himself lucky, despite having been diagnosed with epilepsy at five years old. In addition to using EFMN’s programs and services, he came looking for ways to help those who weren’t as fortunate as him.
Another way to make a difference in the lives of people with epilepsy is by donating your clothes and household items through our Used Goods program.
Schedule a Pickup