Our p
[ZIP] is located in:
Sorry, we couldn’t find that zip code within the areas we cover. Please check that you are using a 5-digit MN zip code.
Northeast Minnesota:
Lisa Peterson | lisa.peterson@efmn.org | 218.624.1330| Lisa’s Facebook Page
Northwest Minnesota:
Lisa Necastro | lisa.necastro@efmn.org | 651.287.2358 | Lisa’s Facebook Page
Central Minnesota:
Amy Haugen | amy.haugen@efmn.org | 320.203.9722
Metro Minnesota:
Erik Williams | ewilliams@efmn.org | 651.287.2319 | Erik’s Facebook Page
Southern Minnesota:
Jessica Rodning | jessica.rodning@efmn.org
Adults impacted by epilepsy are welcome to attend this monthly volunteer led in-person group to meet others who can relate to their experiences of managing epilepsy. You’re welcome to bring a store-bought item to share, and please plan to bring your own non-alcoholic beverage. Location: Miller Dwan adjoining meeting rooms. For
La epilepsia puede ser una condición aislante sin el apoyo de otros, pero creemos que nadie debería tener que enfrentar la epilepsia solo. Esta reunión virtual es una oportunidad para conectarse con otras personas hispanohablantes, compartir experiencias y dar/recibir apoyo. Son bienvenidos personas con epilepsia, cuidadores, padres, u otros seres
A place for people to share their experiences, their encouragement and support for one another and to network together. Supporting each other goes beyond just sending an encouraging message, which we do rely on through difficult stages in our journey and we allow this space for each other to steam
Contact us for specialized one-on-one support, advice, and referral information through Information Services.
Information Services